10 May 2013

It's Friday.....thank Cthulhu

All I have to say is:

It's Friday, thank Cthulhu.
Aww, yeah.

Being that it's Friday, I feel I have some thank you notes to give out. Roll call!

Thank you, teacher's office, for calling me down to sign an attendance paper and then sending me on my way with a gift of toothpaste. I'm not sure if it's supposed to be a message, but I was just about out anyway, so I'll take it as Korean intuition.

Thank you old Korean people, for keeping it real. Seriously, you guys can do whatever you want. Most of the time, you do exactly that. Thank you for shushing people on the subway, while you can yell into your cell phone unchecked. Thank you for giving people dirty looks until they give you their seat (Except us waygookins, of course. Our seats are somehow tainted). Thank you for deciding to piss and poo wherever you like, even outside in full view of the public. Thank you for mentally scarring me for the rest of my existence.

Thank you to all Koreans who use public transportation. Am I really the only person that realizes that there is more than ONE line to go through when exiting the subway station? I mean, there can be six queues available, but everyone crowds to the same one. Probably too busy on their phone to realize.

That's as thankful as I can be right now. I'm going to finish my day of teaching, then head off into the sunset toward Busan for Comic World. Boo-yah.
Once I'm back I'll make sure to make a post about my experience of paragliding last weekend. I'm behind on the blogging, sorry.

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