24 May 2013

K-Wreck SMASH!

So, I'm not in the greatest of moods today. I've realized that I might have spread myself a little too thin and now I am paying for it with stress. Along with stress comes the frustration of living in another country. That rolls into a rather large, bulbous form known as consternation. Add in some anxiety. Throw in some sleeplessness. Fold in several small annoyances. Turn the heat up(after all, you can't forget that it's summer!) and wrap it all up in a sweater and trousers, and you have a magnificent recipe for K-Wreck SMASH!!!!

I know Fridays are usually the days for my thank you notes, and today is no exception. I shall rise above and be thankful for the incredible opportunity to come to this lovely country and meet all these delightful people.

Thank you, ajumma on the train, for popping your gum for a full half hour. I actually didn't realize that looking like a cow gnawing on grass could be even more annoying. However, you have proven me wrong once again, Korea. Thanks to the same ajumma for staring at me that whole half hour, while popping your gum. It wasn't awkward at all, actually.

Thank you, water heater in my apartment, for being so incredibly good at your job that I can't take a shower without burning and boiling myself. I thought we had a good relationship, but I suppose now that it's summer you've moved on. Is it the toilet brush? I knew I should've bought the less pretty one.

Thank you to my bank card for not working. I knew I didn't need all that stuff for my class the next day. 
PS: Thank you to my secret stashes of cash everywhere for making sure I had enough cash to pay for said stuff.

Thank you to my school. Actually, I didn't need to know that the schedule had changed. And that 5th grade class definitely could deal with the whole 10 minutes of class they actually got to have. Since they don't have English next week, I'm sure that's more than enough time to actually absorb new vocabulary and sentence structure.

Those are just some of the small, but frustrating, annoyances lately. Also, as usual, the staring. I don't know that I'll ever be able to completely ignore the staring. 

However, writing this makes me feel just slightly better. Now I just feel like doing this:

And now, since it's Friday, I shall finish my lesson plans and wait for 4:30 to roll around so I can start my nerdfest of a weekend. Next post: a review of Seoul's Comic World!!!

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